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Based on data collection from the summer of 2019, our research team completed another research project last summer. Based on this, a new study taking a closer look at krill oil and race distance was published in Frontiers in Nutrition. The study was a collaboration between the Norseman research team and our partner researchers at Aker Biomarine.
As you hopefully know, the Norseman has survived 2020, even though no event took place. This is only possible due to the loyalty and support of sponsors like Zalaris, Renault, Bunde Gruppen and all our other partners, as well as you, the athletes and supporters that breathe life into this great race year after year.
Monday November 2nd, we´re bringing together scientists from all over the world to help you become a better and safer athlete.
The seminar is presented by Zalaris & Aker BioMarine.
Mauricio Mendez is a 24-year-old professional triathlete from Mexico. Mauricio raced his first triathlon at age 10 with his father, and they’ve been a fierce coach/athlete duo ever since.
Together, they’ve won multiple XTERRAs and half Ironman titles, including Mauricio becoming the youngest XTERRA world champion at just 21, and in 2018, Mauricio won our sister race Patagonman.
For the first time since 2003 there was no Norseman race this summer. This year we faced a barrier we were unable to overcome.
Ex-marine and 2019 Norseman black tee athlete, Russ Corn, shares the parallel stories of his race and the epic journey of one of Norway’s national heroes Joachim Rønneberg.