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We will not hold your hand, but we want to share knowledge, no bullshit advice and to prepare you for the Norseman experience. Zalaris Norseman and XTRI World Championship is located at the same latitude as Anchorage in Alaska. First episode out, swimming in cold water.
Jon Sæverås Breivold, 2 X XTRI World Champion, did his first ever triathlon 2 years ago at Ironman Tallinn. Breivold had no triathlon merits in his belt and he was placed in the last start group, 30 min behind the front pack. He ended up winning Ironman Tallinn, not only his age group, but overall, after best bike split of the day and a solid 2 h 53 min marathon. The organizers of Ironman Tallinn were probably surprised by the unknown norwegian guy winning Ironman Tallinn in his triathlon debut.
Hårek Stranheim, General Manager of Norseman, teamed up with Arild Tveiten at a beach in Oslo in Norway.
Arild is the Sports Director and Head Coach at Norwegian Triathlon Federation and he is now looking
forward to getting his athletes back from the long distance circus after this weekend.
There is no athlete that comes to Norseman without already having a long journey of training and hard work behind them. When the media team sat down with 26-year-old Scottish athlete Eilidh Prise ahead of the 2022 race though, we knew we had found someone special. Instead of following a training plan she goes on ‘adventures’… Instead of a coach driving her, it’s her pure love of the mountains that spurs her on. Instead of putting on a steely race face, she draws energy from cheering and laughing along with her supporters.
Of course on race day we saw just how magical this approach could be – but for now, it was our opportunity to chat how it felt to be a double-record-holder at Celtman – and just how excited she was about facing the mighty mountains here in Norway.
It was cold and windy, and warm and cozy. You would expect no less of Norseman. So this is a short recap of the race, seen through the eyes of our Safety Director.
Raw emotions, tough conditions and an incredible new course record at Norseman 2022