Norseman 2019 – Invitation to join research project

The Norseman Research Team will continue it´s research efforts in 2019. This year we have been joined by more great researchers.

Who is Jumping

The list of 2019 Isklar Norseman athletes is ready. Also introducing the Xtri World championships.

A story of willpower, friendship, love

He sits comfortably on the floor of the ferry at 4:30. Two meters and 100 kilogram of trained muscle tissue, stretched tendons – a friendly looking, beaming athlete ready to race. Not apparent to the eye of his fellow athletes is his biggest strength – his mind.

Delight and dismay on Norseman’s longest day

The race itself takes up a whole day, but that is nothing compared to the wait to find out if you’ve got lucky and drawn a spot for next year’s race.

A story of willpower, friendship, love

He sits comfortably on the floor of the ferry at 4:30. Two meters and 100 kilogram of trained muscle tissue, stretched tendons – a friendly looking, beaming athlete ready to race. Not apparent to the eye of his fellow athletes is his biggest strength – his mind.

The XTRI World Championship

It was at the turn of the millennium, Hårek Stranheim wanted to organize a unique competition.

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