2020 Starts Now - Norseman

2020 Starts Now

We said: "THIS IS NOT FOR YOU." 5025 people replied: "YOU ARE WRONG ABOUT ME"

Published: 04.Nov.2019

By the time we closed registration for our draw at 18:00 Sunday November 3. 5025 people residing in 94 countries had applied. For a small sports club organising a tiny race, almost entirely run by volunteers, this is simply mind-boggling. It also makes us feel like a truly global happening

To all that have applied. Thank you for telling us that it is a good idea to keep Norseman running. Also, thank you for being generous, before christmas a check of around USD 38 000 will be on it´s way to our charity partner Médecins Sans Frontières from all of you.

Next step

Monday November 11. from 13:00 we will run the 2020 draw live on YouTube. The process for the draw is described here.

© Paulina Monasterska-Tronina / nxtri.com

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