Norseman Holiday Quest Draw - Norseman

Norseman Holiday Quest Draw

Published: 07.Jan.2025

1 377 880 vertical meters were climbed by 270 participants in the Norseman Holiday Quest.
Two free-of-charge slots for Norseman is the price for one male and one female finisher of the Holiday Quest.
Here are the results of the draw.

268 participants logged their results on RaceID, and we added two more participants to the result file; they emailed us their training data (including vertical meters).

We made the draw by using ChatGPT. We uploaded the Excel file with all 270 participants who completed the Holiday Quest on ChatGPT. The Excel file consisted of their name and gender.

Then we typed the following prompt to ChatGPT: Take the uploaded list of names, randomly select one male name and one female name, add a new cell next to it and write “I’m going to Norseman 2025”, then create an XLSX file to download. Also, please return the selected names (first name and last name) and include their gender in your response as text.

ChatGPT wrote the names of the two winners, and we manually checked their Strava accounts to ensure they did the 4921 vertical meters.

The male winner did 4943 vertical meters from December 21 to January 6, and the female winner did 5444 verticals.

The Excel file from ChatGPT can be downloaded here.

Thanks to everyone joining the Holiday Quest.

The outcome of the Holiday Quest Draw can be seen in this video:
Moving images by AGEA Media / Adrian Grimelind

© Ariel Wojciechowski /

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