Results 2018 - A King and a Queen - Norseman

Results 2018 – A King and a Queen

In our 16th race, 238 of the most daring triathletes representing 35 countries, once again swam the 3.8km, cycled the 180km, ran the 42.2km and ascended more than 5000m in some of Norway’s most exquisite landscapes.

Published: 05.Aug.2018

The swim that usually is in freezing fjord waters, this year had a pleasant 17 degrees.  Other than that the weather was made for Norseman. Fog, rain, sun, tailwind, headwind and hail gave the athletes the challenges they expected.

Winners Allan Hovda and Mette Petterson of Norway became King and Queen of Norseman this year with spectacular performances. The men’s race was incredibly exciting, but despite fierce competition After racing neck to neck wilt 2017 vinner Lars Christian Vold most of the bike segment, Allan made his break immediately after starting the run maintaining  a significant gap of throughout the run. Mette proved the course was no match for her and smashed last years course record by 48 minutes with an impressive time of 11:16:10. Mette was the first woman out of the water and held her lead throughout the race.

Allan Hovda, 3x Norseman winner, described the race as “It was such a relief to cross the line and honestly I’m feeling really good and quite tired. I had a great swim, a really good bike and I felt amazing on the run, but after 20km I didn’t feel that amazing anymore so I had to start working. I wasn’t sure I was going to win until I got quite far up Gaustatoppen and couldn’t see anyone behind me. I was prepared to kill myself to win, that was my motto and my mindset, as I was eager to get back and show that I’m the King of Norseman!”

Our female champion Mette Petterson said “I feel euphoric [having crossed the finish line]. This is insane. I was so freaking nervous the whole week! The swim was beautiful, except that I got cramps from 2000m and they stuck with me all of the way. I felt really powerful on the bike and I had an ok run until 16km, then I had stomach issues but whatever, it was freaking amazing! I also really enjoyed racing with the people that I admire and love. I had a blast!”.

1  Allan HOVDA (NO) 10:05:48 Mette Pettersen MOE (NO) 11:16:10
2 Kjell Magnus ANTONSEN (NO) 10:15:35 Heini HARTIKAINEN (FI) 11:22:10
3 Lars Christian VOLD (NO) 10:16:32 Flora COLLEDGE (GB) 12:00:27

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